Day 11: April 11, 2024

Day 11: April 11, 2024

What are My Thoughts Today?

Doing something I don't want to do is the story of my life... and I am so tired of that story! I often talk myself into doing things, like taking on an extra (unwanted) work assignment, or going out with friends when I don't really feel like it. The technique that I always use in these cases is to try and talk myself into why it's a compassionate decision... Even if it's not one that I want to make in my heart of hearts. What ends up happening is I get stressed out internally, then I lose the joy that could have otherwise been present in my day. I feel resentful and mad at myself – and the other person, for imposing on me. So I might act nice on the outside, but I'm dealing with major dissonance on the inside. It feels similar to when I drink and I don't want to, but I've never connected the dots before... I will have to ponder that. The truth is, even if you do something to be nice, if you are acting against your own better judgment, the outcome will not ultimately be nice. You'll slip up eventually and show your frustration and anger through a different outlet... In reality, the truly kind response is to be honest about your feelings.

Drinks since April 1st: 0

My Why: To keep nurturing myself consciously until I no longer crave alcohol. Giving myself time and patience to rewire my brain!

What's One Awesome Thing that Happened Yesterday because I Chose Not to Drink? I genuinely appreciated the flavor of my non-alcoholic beer.

Daily Affirmations:
1) I choose to live alcohol-free.
2) I respect and honor myself.
3) I am worthy of love and care.
4) I give myself patience to heal.
5) I have compassion for others.
6) I create beauty all around me.